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Discovering Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Updated: at 03:32 PM

What Are Zero-Knowledge Proofs?

Imagine being able to prove you know a secret without actually revealing the secret itself. Sounds like a magic trick, right? In the world of cryptography, this magic is called zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). They allow one person, the “prover,” to convince another person, the “verifier,” that a statement is true without sharing any extra information. This concept is a game-changer for privacy and security in our digital world.

The Three Magic Ingredients of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Zero-knowledge proofs are built on three key principles:

A Fun Example: The “Where’s Wally?” Puzzle

Let’s make this more relatable with a fun analogy involving the “Where’s Wally?” books:

The Scenario

Picture yourself as a “Where’s Wally?” expert, hired to find Wally in a busy beach scene. Your task is to prove you can spot Wally without revealing his exact location. This is like a zero-knowledge proof, where you show you know something without giving away the details.

How It Works

  1. Get Ready: You have a real picture of the beach. To prove your skills, you use a large piece of cardboard with a small hole cut out.

  2. Show Your Skill: You place the cardboard over the picture, aligning the hole exactly where Wally is. You show this to the company, proving you know where Wally is without revealing the rest of the picture.

  3. Verify: The company sees Wally through the hole, confirming your claim. But since the cardboard covers everything else, they can’t figure out Wally’s exact spot or any other details.

  4. Repeat for Confidence: To convince the company further, you repeat this with different pictures, proving your consistent expertise.

The Takeaway

This fun example shows how zero-knowledge proofs work:

Real-World Magic: Applications of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Zero-knowledge proofs aren’t just for puzzles—they’re transforming various fields:


Blockchain technology is changing how we handle transactions and data security. ZKPs help balance privacy and transparency. For example, they allow transactions to be verified without revealing details, keeping everything confidential yet trustworthy.

Identity Verification

Proving who you are online can be tricky. ZKPs let you prove your identity or age without sharing personal details. Imagine proving you’re over 18 without revealing your birthdate!

Voting Systems

In elections, we need secure and anonymous voting. ZKPs ensure votes are counted without revealing voters’ identities or choices, maintaining trust in the process.

Financial Services

Banks handle sensitive information. ZKPs can validate financial details without exposing exact numbers. For instance, you could prove your income is within a range without revealing the exact amount.

Supply Chain and IoT

In supply chains and IoT networks, data security is crucial. ZKPs verify authenticity without exposing proprietary information, ensuring only authorized parties access sensitive data.

The Evolution of Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Zero-knowledge proofs have come a long way since their inception in the 1980s. Initially, they required interaction between the prover and verifier, but advancements have led to non-interactive proofs like zk-SNARKs, which are efficient and widely used in blockchain applications. These innovations have broadened the scope of ZKPs, making them applicable in various fields beyond cryptography.

Wrapping It Up

Zero-knowledge proofs are like magic in the digital world, offering solutions to privacy and security challenges across many industries. By allowing verification without disclosure, ZKPs help maintain trust and confidentiality in our digital interactions. As technology evolves, the magic of zero-knowledge proofs will continue to grow, enhancing privacy and security in our increasingly digital lives.

  1. ZKHack
  2. Zero Knowledge Podcast
  3. State of ZK Report
  4. Proofs, Arguments, and Zero-Knowledge (For hardcore people)